I Love Your Energy B*tch with Jen Stillion

I Love Your Energy B*tch with Jen Stillion

Hosted by: Jen Stillion

Hello, this is Jen Stillion, your favorite Empowerment Energy Coach & Speaker and Spiritual Guide & Channeler . I have spent the last 15+ years helping clients and teams transform their vibrational energetic...

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Bitchgiving Series with Rini York - Developing Your Psychic Gifts | Episode 32 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

It's the month of Bitchgiving where I will be hosting weekly live calls with powerful woo women! Today's episode is the kick off call with Rini York where we have a magical conversation about developing your psychic...
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B*tch are you attached to feeling bad so you can feel good again? | Episode 30 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

In this episode I talk about the cycle of attachment to struggle and not feeling good as a driver to feel good again about your life. I share my own recent revelation about this playing in my life and what I am doing...
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B*tch, what does your soul truly want? | Episode 29 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

In this Scorpio season, I invite you to go deep and go beyond your 3D self and ask your soul what it truly wants and needs right now. What deep intentions can you set for yourself for the rest of 2022?    
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B*tch, the only devotion you should have is to yourself | Episode 28 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

In this episode, I speak about how important it is to be your own guide, your own guru, your own spiritual leader and not give away your power to other spiritual leaders or influencers.    
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ou are the one to break the generational cycle, b*tch. This is how to work with your ancestors. | Episode 27 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

We are entering into a high intense energetic eclipse season and it's all about release and shedding of what no longer serves you. Your ancestors are coming in more so than ever to assist you in this release and break...
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Heal your abandonment wound, b*tch | Episode 26 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

Ever wonder what the deep rooted cause of overeating, overdoing, overspending and all the "overs" play in your life? This episode will open up the underlying message of how we abandon ourselves by filling a void that...
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Allow yourself to be wealthy, b*tch | Episode 25 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

In this short to the point episode, you are being reminded that whenever you feel financially restricted or tight due to the marketplace or the consciousness right now of fear and lack, you have the opportunity to...
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Use the gift of what full moon energy brings to you, b*tch. | Episode 24 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

The full moon is this Sunday, October 9th. You are already in her energy. You may or may not realize that full moon energy can be the greatest gift to you. It's just a matter of you tuning in and learning how to work...
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You can handle it, b*tch! | Episode 23 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

One of the most common beliefs and fears of doing something bigger and out of your comfort zone is, what if I can't handle it? What if it's too much for me and I won't follow through? In this episode I will share my...
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The key to expansion is to surround yourself with like minded people, b*tch! | Episode 22 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

They say that the top 3-5 friends you surround yourself with will tell you who you are. Have you stopped and asked yourself if your inner circle inspires you? Challenges you to get out of your comfort zone? Expand...
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Embrace change by embracing YOU, B*tch | Episode 19 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

When unexpected changes occur in your life, do you react or respond? Do you embrace it or try to control it even more? Life is all about change, but it's you that needs to be the change you seek.  
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Use this powerful mind body tool to amplify your desires, b*tch! | Episode 21 | I Love Your Energy B*tch Podcast with Jen Stillion

In this episode, I will share my favorite mind body tool that in less than 30 seconds a day you can create your manifestations much quicker than you can imagine!  
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